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   Hey Hey Hey! My name is Rebecca but you can also call me Becca….hints at the name of my website😜. I am a super goofy 20 something year old that loves going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. I also love taking walks in nature, and I have always been a natural early bird.

I am a Certified NASM personal trainer and soon-to-be certified NCI nutrition coach and Doctor of Chiropractic at Parker University. Most of my days I spend studying with a cup of tea but I will also include things like reading, planning my podcast, and hanging out with friends. But I used to not be this way…..


   In my earlier middle school years, I started developing an eating disorder called orthorexia that then later turned into anorexia. If you do not know what these terms are, orthorexia is an eating disorder that involves being obsessed with being healthy and eating “pure”, and “clean” food. Anorexia on the other hand is also an eating disorder but involves the fear of gaining weight and eating food. 


       For most of my life, I have always been extremely goal-oriented and stubborn. When I had my mind set on something I know I would make it happen. This helped me in many areas in my life like sports and school. Not only would I want to win during my sporting events but I had personal goals on the side that I wanted to accomplish as well.


Then in school, not only did I strive to keep my 4.0 GPA but I wanted to keep those my A’s as high as possible. When sports became more of a focus in my life I did everything I could think of to become the best athlete. I wanted to make sure that I could make the basketball team each year during school so then I could play in college and cross my fingers…. play on a women’s professional team. I did everything I could possibly think of. To me this meant I had to “research” the types of food I should be eating and the type of workouts I should be doing.

     Sadly, that lead me down a rabbit hole of bad habits and self-restriction. I was constantly running and under-fueling. I was constantly avoiding my hunger just so that I could make it to lunch. I thought I was doing all the right things because people would praise me for it. I was not only praised for my dedication to my sports but also for how I looked.


   Then came the day for basketball tryouts and that's when everything turned for the worse. I was told I was not good enough and left crying in the bathroom stall. But I did not take no for an answer. I knew that if I worked harder, I had to make it next year! So what did I do….I pushed myself more. Less food, more movement, more workouts, more steps. MORE, MORE, MORE! Then one day I was sent to the hospital and later told I was going to be emitted to a treatment center for anorexia nervosa.


The worst part was treatment was not actually the place where I healed. My body was brought to a better state of being than where it was before but my mind and parts of my body were still damaged.I was still cold all the time, I still feared adding more food than my meal plan required, and exercise still ruled my life. I still had no menstrual cycle and my social life was a mess.


I did not find freedom till I did these 3 things:


  1. Work on my mindset

  2. Started falling in LOVE with being STRONG

  3. And having the support I needed to truly recover



   I hope to encourage people to be mentally, physically, and emotionally STRONG! I hope to try and be the shining light at the end of the tunnel in the health and nutrition space. I have learned so much along my journey and hope to share it with you! NO ONE should have to go through something like that to finally discover how to properly fuel their bodies, take care of themselves, and just love life!


   I aspire to share my knowledge not only about fitness, nutrition, and mindset but also about other things I learn about in life! One of my favorite quotes is:


“A student of life considers the world a classroom”-Harvey Mackay


   I love learning new things and new ways of doing them and will gladly share it here as well. I am also hoping one day to write a book but I may start using this blog as practice. But most of all I would love to create a community on my blog that is open, honest, and truthful. I hope you come along on this journey with me as I figure out how to win in life!



  • Doctorate of Chiropractor at Parker University in progress

  • National Academy of Sports Nutrition Certified Trainer, May 2022

  • NCI Nutrition Coach, May, 2023


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